Winding Creek is a beautiful neighborhood located in McKinney, TX. The area is known for its scenic views and tranquil atmosphere. The homes in Winding Creek are well-maintained and the yards are impeccably landscaped. The community amenities include a playground, swimming pool, and tennis courts. Residents of Winding Creek enjoy a rural lifestyle without having to sacrifice the conveniences of city living. The neighborhood is located just minutes from shopping, dining, and entertainment. In addition, Winding Creek is served by the exemplary McKinney Independent School District. Families looking for an exceptional place to call home will find everything they need in Winding Creek.
Winding Creek is a neighborhood with a population of 1,746. The median age in Winding Creek is 36.9 years, and the median income for households in the community is $85,512. 63.6% of residents in Winding Creek are married, and 9.4% of residents have children under the age of 18 living in their homes. The racial makeup of the neighborhood is 76.1% White, 12.9% Hispanic or Latino, 8.4% Asian, and 2.7% African American. Winding Creek is a relatively diverse community, and it is also a tight-knit one. Neighbor’s frequently get together for block parties and other social events, and there is a strong sense of community pride. If you’re looking for a friendly place to call home, Winding Creek just might be the perfect place for you.
Winding Creek is known for its high-quality schools. The public schools in the neighborhood are some of the best in the state, and many families choose to move here specifically for the education opportunities. In addition to the excellent public schools, there are also several private schools in the area. These schools provide an alternative for families who are looking for a different type of education for their children. No matter what type of school you are looking for, you are sure to find it in Winding Creek.
Winding Creek is a beautiful neighborhood that is perfect for tourists. The houses are all different colors, and there are flowers everywhere. The streets are lined with trees, and there is a park in the middle of the neighborhood. There are also a lot of restaurants and shops. Winding Creek is a great place to visit if you want to see something different than what you’re used to. There are no skyscrapers or big buildings, and it’s very quiet. If you’re looking for a place to relax and enjoy nature, Winding Creek is the perfect place for you.
Winding Creek is a great place to live for families and young professionals alike. With its close proximity to downtown McKinney and all of the amenities that the city has to offer, Winding Creek is the perfect combination of small-town living with big-city convenience. The homes in the neighborhood are well-built and reasonably priced, and the residents are friendly and welcoming. Overall, Winding Creek is a great place to call home.
Additionally, if you’re looking for a neighborhood that’s convenient to everything, yet still has a small-town feel, Ridgecrest is the perfect place for you. This McKinney neighborhood is situated near major highways, making it easy to get around the area. Ridgecrest is also home to several parks and recreation areas, as well as a variety of shops and restaurants.