
Parker Neighborhood is located near Allen, Texas. The neighborhood is made up of mostly single-family homes and has a population of around 5,000 people. It is a relatively new neighborhood, with most of the homes being built in the 1990s. In addition to the single-family homes, there are also a few small businesses located in the neighborhood.

One thing that makes Parker Neighborhood stand out is its location. It is located close to all of the major amenities in Allen, including shopping centers, restaurants, and parks. This makes it a great place for families as they can easily access everything they need without having to drive too far.


According to the most recent census data, the population of Parker is 36.5% White, 35.3% Hispanic, 16.7% African American, and 11.5% Asian. The median household income in Parker is $72,813, and the median house value is $188,100. The Parker neighborhood is home to many young families, as well as a significant number of retirees. The average age of residents is 38 years old, and nearly 30% of households have children under the age of 18. The Parker neighborhood is a vibrant and thriving community that offers something for everyone.


The Parker neighborhood is home to a variety of educational opportunities. For elementary and middle school students, there are several public and private options available. High school students can attend Allen High School, which offers a college preparatory curriculum. In addition, the Parker neighborhood is also home to Collin College, which offers two-year degrees and certificate programs. As a result, residents of the Parker neighborhood have access to a wide range of educational opportunities.


The Parker neighborhood is a beautiful and historic place that attracts tourists from all over the world. The area is home to a variety of businesses, including restaurants, hotels, and shops. Parker is also home to a number of cultural attractions, such as the Parker Cattle Drive Sculpture and the Parker Heritage Center. In addition, the area is home to a number of parks and recreation facilities, making it a great place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing vacation or an exciting adventure, Parker has something to offer everyone.

Overall, Parker Neighborhood is a great place to live. It is peaceful and quiet, while still being close to all of the conveniences that Allen has to offer.

The Suncreek Neighborhood is a great place to live for families or individuals who want to be close to everything Allen, Texas has to offer. The neighborhood is made up of beautiful homes and well-maintained yards. It is centrally located near plenty of restaurants and shops. There is also a park and playground, as well as a community pool, within walking distance. The Suncreek Neighborhood is a great place to call home.

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