Core Values

Blue Angel Core Values


Fly Together

Fun & Respectful Team Culture

  • Work is either fun or drudgery.  We like fun!!
  • Be respectful of your team and customers.
  • Lend a hand.
  • Do a great job.
  • HAVE FUN!!!

Continuous Improvement

  • Continuous Improvement is our competitive advantage
  • Investing in improvement positively influences our performance and our customer referrals (growth).
  • When we improve as individuals and as a company, we strengthen our influence.
  • Improvement equips us to live out our values every day, and deliver on our promises to our personal and professional relationships.


Business Practices

  • Focus: Clear communication about what matters most, and behaviors to accomplish
  • Leverage: Accomplish more with less. Prudent use of time and resources
  • Engagement: Passion driven commitment to respect self, the team, customers and community.


  • Word and actions consistent with company integrity.
  • Follow through with consistent action.
  • Never shy away from the difficult conversation, with honesty.
  • Be the solution.


Interactions with customers, company leadership, team, suppliers, and vendors align with company values and goals.

  • Provide quality products and services
  • Stay away from scammy sales tactics
  • Keep your promises
  • Acknowledge and deal with mistakes
  • Listen to constructive criticism
  • Treat everyone with respect and fairness
  • Let clients go when the relationship is not equitable

Community Support

The power to bring positive, measurable benefit to our customers’ communities and preferred charities.

  • In-Kind donations
    • Loan tent for events
    • Event Volunteer
  • Financial Donations
    • Charities
    • Event Sponsor


Blue Angel Core Values


Fly Together

Our core values of “Fly Together” emulates a fun & respectful team culture revolving around creating an environment that fosters enjoyment and mutual respect among team members. Fun is about infusing a sense of joy, enthusiasm, and lightheartedness into the team’s interactions and daily activities. It encourages a positive and uplifting atmosphere where team members can feel comfortable, motivated, and engaged. Respect, on the other hand, emphasizes treating each team member with dignity, valuing their opinions, and appreciating their unique contributions. It involves active listening, open communication, and empathy towards one another. A Fun & Respectful Team Culture promotes collaboration, creativity, and a sense of belonging, ultimately leading to increased productivity, satisfaction, and overall team success.


Continuous Improvement

Our core values of continuous improvement embody’s the principle of “Living Our Values & Delivering on Our Promises” revolves around integrity, accountability, and consistency. Living our values means embodying the principles and beliefs that guide our organization, both in our actions and in our decision-making. It means acting with honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior, even when faced with difficult choices. Delivering on our promises means taking responsibility for our commitments and ensuring that we follow through on our obligations. It involves setting clear expectations, meeting deadlines, and consistently delivering high-quality results. By upholding these core values, we build trust with our homeowners, maintain our reputation, and create a culture of reliability and excellence within our industry.



Our core value of discipline of “Prudent Use of Time and Resources” and “Having Our Words and Actions Consistent with Company Integrity” revolve around efficiency, responsibility, and ethical behavior. Prudent use of time and resources means utilizing our time, energy, and resources wisely and responsibly. It involves prioritizing tasks, avoiding wasteful practices, and maximizing productivity. This value emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our actions and decisions to ensure that we are making the most effective use of our resources. Having our words and actions consistent with company integrity means aligning our behavior with the ethical standards and values of our organization. It involves being honest, trustworthy, and reliable in our interactions with colleagues and clients. By upholding these core values, we demonstrate our commitment to responsible and ethical practices, fostering a culture of efficiency, trust, and integrity within our company.



Our core value of integrity speaks of customer and vendor relationships aligning with company values and goals revolve around partnership, mutual respect, and shared success. It means establishing relationships with customers and vendors that are built on trust, open communication, and a shared understanding of each other’s values and goals. This value emphasizes the importance of treating customers and vendors as partners, rather than transactional entities. It involves actively listening to their needs, providing exceptional service, and delivering products or services that align with their expectations. By aligning our relationships with company values and goals, we create a collaborative environment where all parties work together towards shared success. This fosters long-term partnerships, customer loyalty, and a positive reputation for our organization.


Community Support

Our core values of community support include bringing positive, measurable benefit to our customers, communities, and charities revolve around impact, empathy, and social responsibility. It means going beyond just providing products or services and actively seeking ways to make a positive difference in the lives of our customers, the communities we operate in, and the charitable organizations we support. This value emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs and aspirations of our customers and communities, and working towards fulfilling them in a meaningful and measurable way. It involves actively engaging with homeowners, listening to their feedback, and continuously improving our offerings to ensure that we are delivering tangible benefits. By prioritizing social responsibility, we contribute to the well-being and development of our customers, communities, and charitable causes, creating a positive and lasting impact that goes beyond financial success.

Interested In Working With Us?

(214) 833-6320

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